A horse often wears blinkers during a race. Do you know why?
Business Ideas
The Power of Empathy. Something I learned from being my own customer.
Not that long ago, I was given an unexpected opportunity (and gift) to live the experience of my customer. To fully immerse myself into what a typical experience for them might be, and ultimately feel like. I learned so much. I gained so much perspective, and on a much deeper level than I could have otherwise.
My favourite Café. A place to ‘Just Be’.
Beyond the delicious lattes and sweet treats, my local café offers a place to ‘just be’. Just Be. Yourself. I ordered my usual – a delicious latte treat made with care and attention by the friendly barista. Her smile is the outward sign that she is happy. She slides over a latte so good it is always worthy of a foamy milk heart. I always admire its subtle symbol of kindness – a sweet language enjoyed by all latte enthusiasts.
Hooray! You have a Business Idea…..Now what?
So, you have an idea! Double high fives! Now What? Ideas can be like fireflies in the night. They appear…
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