Any point of friction in a business can lead to a negative customer experience. A common friction point in a business is the refund/exchange process. Some businesses get it right and others, not so much. It matters.
Small Business
Clinging to the ropes.
2020 has given a gut punch to small businesses. The intensity of the hit depends on the industry, but very few businesses have been unscathed. For many, the punch knocked them on their knees, left gasping for air. Broken and battered, they rose. Clinging to the ropes, the hurt on the inside far deeper than outward bruising could ever reveal.
Empathy in Business. A Customer Experience booster!
Empathy is a Customer Experience boosting asset in a business. It requires you to feel all of it, and then respond with a deeper understanding.
Running my own race.
A horse often wears blinkers during a race. Do you know why?