Yesterday was a feeling down kind of day. Not for any particular reason. No major event or sudden loss triggered this feeling of blahness. Just one of those days of feeling down and uninspired. It happens.
Clinging to the ropes.
2020 has given a gut punch to small businesses. The intensity of the hit depends on the industry, but very few businesses have been unscathed. For many, the punch knocked them on their knees, left gasping for air. Broken and battered, they rose. Clinging to the ropes, the hurt on the inside far deeper than outward bruising could ever reveal.
Empathy in Business. A Customer Experience booster!
Empathy is a Customer Experience boosting asset in a business. It requires you to feel all of it, and then respond with a deeper understanding.
For the love of all things Bon Jovi.
My sister and I are bonded by the musical genius of Bon Jovi and in particular the band’s namesake lead singer, Jon Bon Jovi. There is one song and video that is a symbol of our youth. A life marker etched by music. Time tested and true.
Attitude of Gratitude
Yes, Gratitude. If there has ever been a time to be mindful of what’s important to you – truly important to you – this is it.
The Joy of sticking with it.
A year ago I wrote my first blog. I stuck with it. Hooray!